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How exited are we to finally add Worcestershire Sauce to our range of products!! Available in store now, and coming to our website soon…..#newproduct#tasmaniasfinest#rockygardens#shearwater#glutenfree#vegan#tasmanian Made with real Tasmanian fruit and not an anchovy in sight 😉

What is a Gooseberry ?

Gooseberries are small, round to oval berries of European origin. Botanically, they related very closely to currants. Packed with pigment antioxidants and vitamins, the berries come in different colours, flavours, and shapes. The flavour of gooseberries can vary, depending on where they are grown and other factors, but they generally have flavours similar to grapes. …

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What is a Jostaberry

If you like gooseberries and blackcurrants, then you will love  the Jostaberry. It is a cross between the two berries, and produces what look like over-large blackcurrants. Originating from Germany, these succulent berries have a slightly sharp kick that makes a delicious jam. If the fruit is left to really ripen, (and you can beat the birds) …

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